At [COMPANYNAME], we work with clients and tailor our services to their needs. We combine personal attention and access to the highest technical expertise and specialized knowledge levels. Timely communication and responsiveness are hallmarks of our client relationships. These attributes support our objective of helping you reach your financial goals.

Bookkeeping Services

Good financial information provided in a timely and accurate manner is essential to good management. Let us perform your bookkeeping and save you time, money, and distractions. This will allow you to focus on what you do best – running your business. Our firm provides a full range of bookkeeping services, including the following:

  • General ledger & financial statement preparation
  • Adjusting journal entries
  • Bookkeeping on a Monthly, Quarterly, or Annual basis
  • Accounting system setup for new businesses

Accounts Receivable

When your company sells goods to services to customers on credit where you don’t require them to pay ahead of time or at delivery, this creates an asset called an “Accounts Receivable.” The accounting process is based on the invoice you issue, which describes the goods or services you’ve sold, the amount owed (including sales taxes and freight charges), and then when payment is due.

Our Accounts Receivable services include sales invoicing, direct mailing, cash receipts, bank account reconciliation, cash flow analysis, and collections.

If this seems overwhelming or simply something you’d rather not have to deal with so you can focus on running your business, we can help! We’ll take care of the recording and maintenance of all your accounts receivables; including handling the following:

Bad Debt

On occasion,  customers you sold to on credit won’t pay. When this happens, you’ll need to account for bad debts properly. Bad debt accounting deals with the write-off of customers who don’t pay and estimating the required allowance for bad debt accounts you must hold in reserve.

Early Payment Discounts

If you offer customers a discount if they pay early or under specific terms, we can take care of the accounting so you always know where you stand and can effectively manage your discount programs.

Aging Analysis

Your accounts receivable data can reveal a lot about the financial health of your business. Aging reports are essential for managing your collections effectively. We can produce versions of receivable aging reports, showing the number of invoice dues at select intervals, typically in 30-day increments up to 90+ days.

Accounts Payable

When your company orders or receives supplies, materials, or services before paying for them, these purchases are considered to be made on account or credit. This is why these purchases by your company are considered “Accounts Payable” in the accounting language. Your supplier or vendor on the other end of the transaction is called a creditor since you owe them for goods or services already shipped or rendered.”

If this seems overwhelming or something you’d rather not have to deal with so you can focus on running your business, we can help!

Let us take care of the accounts payable process to ensure your company’s financial statements’ accuracy and completeness. We handle the work by managing the accounts payable process from start to finish, ensuring every bit of the enormous detail is legitimate and accurately reflected in your accounting system. Remember that an efficient and effective accounts payable process can benefit your company’s cash position, supplier relationship, and credit rating.

Our timely and efficient accounts payable process can include any or all of the following services;

  • Processing vendor invoices promptly
  • Payment processing
  • Accurate general ledger account recording
  • Aged payables analysis
  • Expense accrual for items not yet wholly processed.

Visit our set of Financial Calculators for quick answers on topics such as your IRA, investments, your child’s college tuition, and your mortgage or credit card calculations.

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